Spiritual Offerings


Here you’ll find details of all of the spiritual services I can bring to you. I specialize in energy reading, manipulation, and healing. It’s important that you know what you’re trying to achieve, even if it’s clarity or the wisdom to figure out what you really want.

If you have trouble understanding what you are trying to achieve, take a look through this list of suggestions:

Check out the pricing guide to learn more:

Please fill out the form at the bottom of this page or send all spiritual inquiries to my email: elyn.joc@gmail.com

Please keep in mind that all services are done in person (following COVID-19 safety guidelines).

Energy Healing

This practice is available to people looking for emotional, spiritual, and mental healing. In these sessions we will talk about the areas you are looking for healing in and then follow an intuitive guided meditation while I channel healing energy through your body. Each meditation is unique and is guided by any images that I feel from your energy as we sit together.

Bone Throwing

I do my readings with a collection of trinkets and bones thrown onto a spread that I designed. Your energy influences the throw and allows me to give you some insight into significant factors in your life, life paths, desire paths, and any kind of advice your energy is trying to communicate to you. If you want to focus on a particular topic for your reading, keep that in mind while the throw is happening.

Past Life Reading

This reading is available to give you a little insight into what your life looked like in one of your previous forms. This reading is typically lighthearted and fun while still letting you see a window into your soul’s history. This reading is also done using bone throwing.

Custom Runes

Some people might also call these symbols sigils. Once you know what you’re trying to manifest, I take an energy reading. I use your energy and my intuition to create a symbol completely unique to you that will help you manifest the thing you’re looking for.

A rune can be used both for attracting certain energies and for expelling certain energies. If you plan on using the rune to expel energy that you don’t want, the best way is to burn the rune when you feel it has collected all of the energy you’re trying to rid yourself of.

Runic Painting

This is very similar to the basic runes, only on a larger scale. This requires much more energy to create, and because of that it is more effective. I use the same methods to create a basic rune but go much more in depth. These paintings are great for long term goals.

Energy Painting

I can paint the energy of a person, pets, an event, a location, an object of significance, or a moment. I often see colors or feel textures when I take this reading. In very strong and open energies I can see images which will be incorporated into the painting.

The paintings below are examples of energy paintings of moments, or in this case the energy of a specific day.

The paintings below are examples of energy paintings of songs.

If you’d like to request a custom energy painting here are some ideas:

  • Memorialize the energy of an event such as a wedding or a birthday party
  • Capture the energy of a place you love such as a city or a park or a private space only you know about
  • Capture the energy of a significant object such as a cherished childhood stuffed animal, a favorite garment, a treasured knick-knack, a souvenir from a trip
  • Appreciate the energy of a special person in your life, maybe even your whole family, or maybe you want to know what your own energy looks and feels like! The possibilities with energy readings of people are nearly endless. Same thing goes for pets.

Book an Energy Healing Session or a Bone Throwing Session with me at Maeva’s Cottage

Fill out the form below to request a painting or custom rune

Disclaimer: I do not claim to cure medical conditions. Please consult with an appropriate doctor for your medical needs.

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