Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. The day was absolutely brimming with happiness and positivity. I was a first time vendor at A Touch of Magick’s Spring Faire. I brought all of my available paintings as well as my little cards for custom runes. I spent the whole week prior to the event running around buying tons of gear for the booth setup. I used a canopy tent, a small table, and three pegboards that I attached my paintings to. I found a lovely wooden sign at Michael’s and painted my logo on it with some other beautiful little details. I made a newsletter signup sheet that I brought with me too.
I realized pretty quickly in the day that my paintings were not going to be what sold. The little chalkboard that I had advertising my custom runes was not noticeable to people walking by, so I had to change tactics. I began mentioning the runes as people walked by and immediately saw the results.
By the end of the day I had sold one painting and created over 45 runes for people seeking all sorts of things. Peace, healing, clarity, and love were the most requested and I think that’s very reflective of where society is at this time. I wish the best to everyone who came to see me yesterday in that little space and I hope they walked away with something very big.
I got to see a few people yesterday that I hadn’t seen in a long while, including the “weird girl” from high school that it turns out is a person I definitely should have been friends with a long time ago. It’s funny how time allows you to understand what you needed in your past and shows you all of the judgements you should never have made. We plan on keeping in touch for some bone foraging in the future which I’m very excited for 🙂

About the Runes and Feedback I Received
I’ve always had intuitive abilities, the strongest being through dreams. I’ve met people in my dreams, seen events as they happened several states away, and predicted several things that would happen to me in my life. But this was always personal, and I wanted to be able to use this ability to help other people. I started with tarot readings and I could tell that there was energy that I was connecting to, but the cards felt overwhelming. There was so much nuance to it and so much to learn, my readings would take almost 10 minutes per card because I was always referencing the guide book. I put the practice away for a while and was led in a different direction. I started having dreams where I could see symbols in the sky. I started drawing my own runes as needed. Whenever I felt like I needed something deeply, I would focus on that energy flowing into me and draw what felt right. Through this, I began drawing runes for friends and family with great success. (Please keep in mind that I do not claim to cure anything or alter any futures that exist). My sister got a promotion, my brother recovered from an illness, my boyfriend passed his tests and got the job he really wanted when he never expected to, my sister-in-law gave birth to a healthy baby girl, and many other joyous things came from the runes. I knew that this was it, this felt right to me.
When I create a custom rune for someone, I like to have their intention in my mind. What do they need presently? It also helps to have a first name, it brings me closer to their energy so I can connect to what they feel and what their spirit needs. I take as many deep breaths as needed to really center in on their energy source and feel it wash over me. I often see or feel colors in their energy, but sometimes it’s a whole image, something they are deeply connected to. These images are really influential when creating the runes.
One woman’s energy felt like flowers: her business was vibrant dandelions and her love was an indigo pansy with a stunning yellow center. One man’s energy felt like fish, another felt strongly like soccer. One woman had the most gorgeous royal purple energy. Another was soft baby pink and felt like fleece. One woman’s heart felt like the center of the sun, such a powerful energy.
I had an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from the runes. Many people said when I began to read them, they felt as if they were being pulled into my energy or they felt a warmth which I really liked.
Several people told me they plan to get their runes tattooed on their bodies. It’s so amazing to me that my ability to create these runes for those that need it is impactful enough that they want to make them permanent. Permanence is one of the highest compliments I can think of.
Another woman mentioned she might use her rune as her business logo. I wish her all the best with her business and I hope to see it grow with that abundant and successful energy.
I had a handful of people take my information in case they ever need another rune in the future, and I really hope I can continue to help them 🙂
If you feel like you might need a rune for something in your life, my inbox is always open:
Other Feedback From the Day
There were so many wonderful people at the fair and I was so happy to get to show my artwork in person. A lot of people were drawn to my garlic painting Braided, including one person with a deadly allergy to it which was absolutely hilarious. Many people also liked This Little Pig Stayed Home and New Spots in the Field from my recent collection, Start Small. I noticed a lot of people seemed to enjoy the chickens and rooster the most so I will definitely be painting more chicken breeds in the future.
Braided This Little Piggy Stayed Home New Spots in the Field Golden Lady Pretty Boy
A couple of times mothers brought their children over to see my artwork and called me “an inspiration” and that has really stuck with me. I’ve never been referred to in that sense and it really warms my heart to think the younger generation of artists might look up to me as someone setting an example for a life path they can take, and more importantly, succeed in, where the world often tells us that being an artist isn’t a real job or it’s not a good idea because you’ll never make any money. I fully intend on becoming a full time artist one day, and I want all the young artist out there to know its possible, it’s rewarding beyond any other job I’ve ever had, and it can be sustainable.
And then of course two people said they really liked my hair, and that always makes my day 🙂
My Tarot Reading
At the end of the day I got a tarot reading from none other than Kim, my seventh grade English teacher.
I almost always ask the same thing when I get readings lately: is this business going to succeed? or will it be rewarding/fulfilling?
Kim gave me a wonderful reading, filled with promise and hope and good fortune not just for my business but also for my future homestead and my relationship.
My Business
Kim saw my business thriving with a lot of hard work, leading to a time when I can finally relax. She also saw that the spiritual work that I was doing yesterday will play a big part in it, something that I haven’t fully explored yet. She said the spiritual work that I bring to the business could be the key to getting my homestead.
My Homestead
My homestead is coming, within the next few years. It’s going to take patience on our end and some sacrifice. Kim said she sees lots of birds, much more than just chickens. I always thought I’d get ducks and maybe geese, and recently I’ve been thinking a lot about starting a small turkey farm, and maybe even sprinkle some quail in there for novelty. She also felt someone from the other side encouraging me to get a baby goat. Interestingly enough, I tried goat cheese for the first time last week (the garlic herbed kind) and LOVED it. It’s more acidic than cow dairy cheese but I really enjoyed it and it pretty much convinced me then and there that goats would end up taking the place of cows on our homestead. Kim said she felt someone from the older generation guiding me towards goats and originally I thought it was my grampa who passed, but later when talking to my mom I think it was my uncle George. George was my grampa’s best friend and the person who taught me how to fish. I have a rainbow trout tattooed on my foot in his memory and I think about him often.
My Relationship
Kim saw David in my reading multiple times. At this point he’s so interwoven into my present and my future I’m not surprised he showed up so much. Kim says our relationship is a very strong one and we will help each other get to where we want to be in life. This relationship is so supportive I can’t imagine it any other way.
Celebrating Beltane
After the fair ended, I stayed and attended my first Beltane festival. It was a really magical thing, something I’ve never experienced before. There were lots of people in attendance and the circle felt so inviting. I could feel it when the Great Goddess and the Great Horned God joined us and I felt when they left. It’s hard to describe with words how it felt to attend, but I would definitely like to do it again.
Where To Go From Here
As far as my current artwork goes, I got a good feel for how it’s received and what kind of subjects people like to see and I’m going to take that feedback into consideration for future paintings.
I very much want to continue creating runes for people and even branch out more with this sort of spiritual work. I will begin offering a new kind of rune designed to banish certain energies versus drawing in energies. I will also be taking on energy and runic commissioned paintings (which will be explained more in the future). Something I’ve always felt drawn to are talismans, so I will begin offering customized talismans that function very similarly to runes but will incorporate foraged items. I will be adding a new section to my website soon that will explain everything that I offer in more detail.
My takeaway from the day
Yesterday filled me to bursting with hope and promise of a very rewarding future. I can see so clearly where my life leads and where my business will grow with it. I look forward to driving that energy into all of the things I offer that can help you bring this bountiful energy to you as well.
I will continue to pursue my art career and my homestead while expanding into the realm of spiritual connections.
Thank you for joining me on this journey 🙂