I’ve had a few great things happening lately. I took a big leap and joined Making Art Work hosted by Emily Jeffords, a course for creatives to learn what it takes and different techniques to run a successful and thriving creative business. I decided finally that I want to pursue this seriously and begin my fine art business.
I have a growing collection of paintings just waiting for the right homes. A couple of nights ago I went out with David and took a stack of my best paintings with me to ask local shops and restaurants if they would be interested in purchasing any of my originals to hang in their establishments. I didn’t expect much from it, I definitely wasn’t expecting any sales that night, but the point was just to get out there and do that brave thing and ask the question anyways. I ended up having a couple of places say that it isn’t the right time right now. A couple of maybe’s is a huge win in my mind. I even had one place ask if I was interested in leading painting nights at their restaurant when they pick back up again. That’s not something I’m interested in, but it was still super neat to be asked.
I sold my first painting ever yesterday. A friend that I met on the flight home from Utah last October saw my painting “Wandering the Field” and loved it so much she bought it. I couldn’t be more excited about this huge achievement. This year I made a goal to sell ONE painting (before I even considered starting a fine art business), and already here at the end of February I did it!

I was commissioned for another pet portrait today, and I think it came out amazing. The original picture that was sent to me was great quality and had a cool blurred effect on the background which I really wanted to keep in the final portrait.

Peer groups for Making Art Work will start to be selected tomorrow, and the welcome video comes out this Thursday! I couldn’t be more excited to get started and meet so many other creatives near me.