The Energy of May 11th
Keywords: warm, melodic, embracing
May 11th felt like an embrace. The feeling was like being hugged by a bear but in the lightest way possible. The touch was soft but the power was strong. Dark green ribbons flowed in and out from the earth while dark blues and purples flashed occasionally from the sky. There were white orbs that flowed all across the energy around me and felt like the tips of the white dandelions.

The Energy of May 12th
Keywords: bold, promise, potential, fleeting
May 12th felt like a ripe mango. A cocoon of flesh and comfort surrounding a pit full of potential. It felt like at any moment the mango would become overripe and the pit would burst through the flesh and grow into something magnificent. There were streaks of pink and red dancing through the energy. It felt like a good day to take a risk or do that thing that you’ve been putting off.

The Energy of May 13th
Keywords: melancholy, slow, pondering
I originally wasn’t going to do a painting for this day because it felt a little sad, but as the day went on the energy felt more beautiful even if it was in a bit of a sad way. The energy was cool and mostly blue with spots of yellow peeking in and out. There was a lovely teal surrounding the deeper blues at the center. This was a good day to simply take note of what’s on your mind.

The Energy of May 14th
Keywords: cheerful, connected, familiar
This energy was speckled and had a lot of movement. It was a good day to reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.
The Energy of May 15th
Keywords: new, innocent, soft
This energy gave me an image of a soft pastel watermelon slice. The pinks and greens were so gentle.
Story: Today I went clothes shopping for the first time in a very long time (I tend to go every couple of years and replace a lot of my closet). I got to the register and this very sweet woman started chatting with me. She was wearing a very soft pink patterned shirt and I had this strong feeling about her. I ended up giving her a business card and described what I do and she seemed very interested! It was a really great interaction.
The Energy of May 16th
Keywords: confidence, subtlety
The colors today felt like deeper and darker tones of May 15th. There were dark teals and vibrant peach tones in the energy. If you were thinking about doing something on May 15th but didn’t go through with it, this was a good day to do it.